Welcome to the Endacott Society.
Who knew retirement could be so much fun!
As a new member we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following right away:
During the pandemic nearly all Endacott events were held via the Zoom teleconferencing software, and now many activities are hybrid (in-person + Zoom). You should familiarize yourself with how to join Zoom meetings, and send a request to [email protected] to subscribe to the monthly guide containing the invitations to these meetings.
Retirees E-mail List
Weekly Endacott Society updates and other announcements, some serious, some not so much, are posted to this list which is open only to Endacott Society members. To join the list send an e-mail to [email protected] and ask to be added. Be sure to include your first and last name in the message. If you want to keep up with what’s going at the Society, this is must.
Our newsletter is published to our web site monthly. It contains details of the events coming up for the month, and some other news of interest to our members. Be sure look look at some of the older newsletters too.
The Featured Upcoming Events list on our home page only shows the next few events. To see the full schedule go to the Calendar. Also each activity has its own event list (see below).
Go to Activities – Activities and Groups to get a description of what each activity is about, and when the next meeting is scheduled. You can also get to an activity by clicking on one of the moving icons at the bottom of the home page.
The Endacott Society has been around since 1983 (It was called the KU Retirees Club then.), and we have done a lot of things. Check out the archive for a sample of the activities we like to remember.
When our office (room 125) in the Adams Alumni Center is open stop by and peruse our collection of Oral History transcripts of interviews with over 700 KU retirees.
Wednesday Coffee
The best way to introduce yourself to the Endacott Society is to come to a Coffee meeting held every Wednesday at 10:00 AM. It’s mostly a social group with some business items in the mix. We usually meet in the Alumni Center, but check the calendar for the venue.
Show up
Last, but not least, join in our other meetings and activities whenever you can. You’ll be most welcome.