Upcoming Events
Past Lectures
KU Libraries, Current and Future – Carol Smith, Dean of Libraries
Native Blood – Leonard “Kris” Krishtalka
Keeping the Books: A Glimpse at the Orsetti Family Business Archive – Whitney Baker
Lied Center of Kansas at 30: Highlights of the 2023-24 Season – Derek Kwan
Embattled Lawrence: The Enduring Struggle for Freedom – Dennis Domer
Is there a difference between inventing in Science and being creative in the Humanities? NO! – Val Stella
Osher Institute in a Time of Pandemic – Linda Kehres
Retirement: Infinity and Beyond – John C. Tibbetts
The Jayhawker Cleveland: Phantom Horseman
of the Prairie – David Hann
Spencer Museum of Art:
Renovation, Reinstallation, Reimagining – Susan Earle
Songs, Movies and Memories:
How People Enjoy Lighthearted Entertainment – Dr. Judy Watts
Mark Twain’s World and Me: Following the Equator Then and Now – Susan Harris and Cheryl Lester
Birds, Bones and Beetles: The Improbable Career and Remarkable Legacy of Charles D. Bunker – Charles “Chuck” Warner
The Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) – Darrin Beck, Executive Director
Wrong Man Down: A Millie Henshawe Novel – Jerry Masinton
The Body on the Bed – Leonard “Kris” Krishtalka
Kris Krishtalka’s book Death Spoke
Due to the pandemic the presentations below were delivered via Zoom
Steve Lerner’s Movie Stranger in Town
Kansas Reflector Editor Sherman Smith
Kris Krishtalka’s book The Camel Driver
- Antibiotic Resistance: We’re All in This Together – Nicholas S. Britt, KU Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and Medicine
- Loving Care and taking Care: Caregiving and Quality Care at Home – Mitzi E. McFatrich, Director, Kansas Advocates for Better Care
- The Kansas City Royals’ spring training camp – Max Utsler, KU Associate Professor of Journalism, Jim Carothers, KU Professor Emeritus of English, along with KU journalism students
- KU’s Pawsitive Impact Program – Maureen Cole, KU health educator,Raven Rajani and Patti Quinlan, Loving Paws Animal Therapy, along with therapy dogs
- Depictions of Aging in Film – Cheryl Lester – KU departments of English and American Studies, retired
- Why I can’t Hear in Noisy Restaurants Anymore – Mark Chertoff, KU Professor of Hearing and Speech
- Billy Mills – Bernie Kish, Sport management Lecturer, KU School of Education, Carole Cadue-Blackwood Kickapoo tribe member
- Drawing Helps You See Anew – Anne Patterson – Lecturer, KU School of Architecture
- I, Too, Sing America: Langston Hughes Documentary, presented by Darren Canady, KU Professor of English; Randal Jelks, KU Professor of African-American Studies; John Tidwell, KU Professor of English; and Carmaletta Williams, Johnson County Community College Professor of African-American Studies.
- Kate Dinneen, chair, and Sarah Hill-Nelson, treasurer, Friends of Lawrence Area Trails (FLAT), on different kinds of public trails in and around Lawrence.
- Smart Housing Technology, Joe Collistra, KU Associate Professor of Architecture and Design.
- Live Performance presented by Scott McBride Smith, KU Professor of Music, by middle- and high school students attending worldwide for International Institute for Young Musicians (IIYM).
- From Landon Center on Aging, KU Medical Center, Dr. James T. Birch Jr., Associate Director in Geriatric Medicine and Palliative Care, and Myra Hyatt, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in both the Community Outreach Program and Geriatric Medicine Clinic.
- The Bone Field, presented by Leonard “Kris” Krishtalka, Director of KU Biodiversity Institute at Dyche Hall, discussing the first in his mystery book trilogy.
- National Coming-Out Panel Discussion, Heather Frost, KU Counseling andPsychology Staff Member, plus moderated panel of Endacott parents andgrandparents with LGBTQ family members.
- Thomas Fox Averill, Washburn University Professor Emeritus of English, on researching and writing his latest novel, Found Documents from the Life of Nell Johnson Doerr, set in Lawrence at the time of Quantrill’s Raid.
- James Gunn, KU Professor Emeritus of English and Assistant to KU Chancellors Franklin Murphy and Clarke Wescoe, on his KU career and award-winning science fiction, including Transformation, and his autobiography, Star Begotten: A Life Lived in Science Fiction.
- The Long Road to Recovery, Duane Goossen, senior fellow with The Kansas Center for Economic Growth; former Kansas Secretary of Administration, budget director for three governors, both Republican and Democratic, and 1983-1997 member of Kansas House of Representatives (70th District) as well as vice-president for fiscal and health policy for Kansas Health Institute.
- Dale Slusser, president, and Mike Reid,vice-president, Historic Mount Oread Friends nonprofit volunteer group within KU Endowment, on organization’s past and present projects to preserve the history and beauty of the KU Lawrence Campus.
Stories from Haskell’s Thunderbird Theatre, Pat Melody, Haskell Indian Nations University, retired Director of American Indian Nation Theatre.
- Volunteering with Douglas County Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Jill Kleinberg, KU Professor Emerita of Business.
- Lawrence City Hall Updates, Tom Markus, Lawrence City Manager.
- Prospects for Improving Health Care in Douglas County and Our State, Russ Johnson, Lawrence Memorial Hospital President and Chief Operating Officer.
- Challenges and Opportunities as Mayor and City Commissioner, Leslie Soden, Lawrence Mayor and City Commissioner.
- KU’s New Central District: Mission, Goal and Anticipated Accomplishments, Jim Modig, University Architect.
- Live Performance, presented by Scott McBride Smith, KU Professor of Music, by middle- and high school students attending worldwide for International Institute for Young Musicians (IIYM).
- Reflections of War – Vietnam, Felix Moos, KU Professor Emeritus of Anthropology.
- Mapping the Milky Way: The GAIA Spacecraft Mission, Barbara Anthony-Twarog, KU Professor of Astronomy and Physics.
- Access to Information with Audio-Reader, Lori Kesinger, KU Audio-Reader Network Outreach Co-Ordinator.
- The Great War at KU: 1916-1919, Evie Rapport, KU Projects Editor, Marketing Communications.
- KU’s Impact on the Globalization of the Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ron Borchart, KU Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy.
Elective Career in State Government and Future Prospects of Kansas Health Options, Sandy Praeger, former Kansas Insurance Commissioner.
- Live Musical Performance of Varied Choral Music with KU Chamber Singers, Paul Tucker, KU Professor of Music and Director or Choral Music Activities.
- Art at Any Age, Amanda Martin-Harmon, KU Spencer Museum of Art Associate Director of Community Engagement.
- Lawrence Power Couple: J.B. and Elizabeth Watkins: Their Support for the Community, Steven Nowak, Watkins Museum of Art Executive Director.
- Van Go—Art Is What You See, Jobs Are What We Do, Lynne Green, Van-Go, Inc., Executive Director.
- How Family Promise Is Helping Solve Serious Homeless Family Problems, Dana Ortiz, Family Promise of Lawrence Executive Director.
- Live Performance, presentation coordinated by Isaac Holbrooke, KU Young Pianists Director of Operations, International Institution of Young Musicians (IIYM).
- Mentoring Students & Figuring Out Why, When It Works and When it Doesn’t, Alice Lieberman, KU Professor of Social Welfare.
- Heart of the Andes: Alexander von Humboldt’s Science in the Art of Frederic Edwin Church, documentary co-presentation by Frank Baron, KU Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, and Jim Jewell, KU Media and Film.
- Health Care Access: A Right in Lawrence and Douglas County, Beth Llewellyn, Health Care Access CEO.
- History of the Theatre Department and University Theatre from Crafton to Present, Jack Wright, KU Professor Emeritus of Theatre & Film.
- A Start-Ups First Two Years, Marvin Hunt, Lawrence Peaslee Technical Center Director.
- Strategic Decisions: Higher Education in the 21st Century, Sara Rosen, KU Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
- History and Dramatic Growth of Osher and Plans for the Near-Term Future, Jim Peters, KU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Executive Director.
- A Musical Journey, Jerry Niebaum, retired KU assistant vice provost for Information Technology.
- Expanding Medicaid, Tom Sloan, Kansas House of Representatives, 45th District.
- Academic Freedom: New Board of Regents’ Social Media Policy and Potential Effects, Charles Epp, KU Professor of Public Affairs and Administration.
- Better Quality Eldercare, Mitzi McFatrich, Kansas Advocates for Better Care Executive Director.
- Live Piano Performance, Janis Hutchison, in lieu of traditional presentation by students visiting KU for International Institute for Young Musicians (IIYM) who couldn’t attend because of a motor vehicle accident.
- Lawrence Memorial Hospital’s 100-Best-Community Hospitals Designation and Future Quality Control, Val Stella and Jeff Weinberg, representing Lawrence Memorial Hospital Endowment Association.
- KU Wilcox Classical Museum Treasures and Examples, John Younger, KU Professor of Classics and Museum Curator.
- Prairie Park Nature Center Programs, Displays and Wildlife, Marty Birrell, Director.
- My First Hundred Years, Arnold Weiss, KU Associate Professor Emeritus of Spanish.
- 45 Years at KU: Interesting People, Events and Animals, John Mullens, KU Office of Public Safety Retired Executive Director.
- The Art of Violin Making, Doug Marples, owner and crafter of Marples Violins, Lawrence.
- Coral Reefs, Daphne Fautin, KU Professor Emerita of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Senior Curator.
- Chosen People: The Rise of American Black Israelite Religions, Jake Dorman, KU Assistant Professor of History and African-American Studies.
- The Courtship of Olivia Langdon and Mark Twain, Susan Harris, KU Professor Emerita of English.
- Coming Attraction: Your New Library, Brad Allen, Lawrence Public Library Director.
- Live Musical Performance, presented by Scott McBride Smith, KU professor of music, by middle- and high school students attending worldwide for International Institute for Young Musicians (IIYM).
- Keeping Downtown Vibrant, Sally Zogry, Downtown Lawrence Executive Director.
- Business Ethics in a Global World: What Is It and Who Cares?, Richard DeGeorge, KU Professor Emeritus of Philosophy.
- The Role of the District Attorney, Charles Branson, Douglas County District Attorney.
- Research and Mission and The Future of the Panorama Exhibit, Leonard “Kris” Krishtalka, KU Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Institute Director.
- Playing God on the Broadway Stage, Henry Bial, KU Professor of Theatre and Dance.