Here is an overview of January 18 Games Theory.


Spoons – The spoons game is fantastic and super easy to learn and play. Everyone sits around a table and the dealer shuffles the cards and deals out four cards to each player. Set the spoons (one fewer spoon than there are players) in the center of the table or circle. As soon as someone gets four of a kind in their hand, they grab one of the spoons from the center. When one spoon is grabbed, all the other players also try to grab one of the remaining spoons. Just know that this game will have everyone laughing!


Heads Up – The game starts when hold your phone facing outward so only your friends can see the screen. An answer appears on the screen and it is your friends’ job to give you clues without saying a word in the answer or anything that rhymes with it. You have 1 minute to solve as many cards as you can. Heads Up is great game for groups and tons of fun.