Thank you for considering joining the Endacott Society.

To be eligible to join the Endacott Society you must be 1) retired faculty/staff from the University of Kansas or 2) on phased retirement from the University of Kansas or 3) retired faculty/staff from another accredited higher education institution.

To join the Endacott Society you just need to join the K.U. Alumni Association and select “Endacott Society” as the member type.  This link will take you to a K.U. Alumni Association page where you can scroll down a bit and select (click on)  “Endacott Society” as a membership type.  This will bring up the page where you can select the $30 individual/couple membership or some Life Membership options.  Click on the JOIN OR RENEW button at the bottom of your selection, and the form for your membership will be displayed.

Although you will become a member as soon as your payment is received, our membership roles are only updated monthly, so you may want to send an email to [email protected] to tell us that you’ve just joined, so we can welcome you right away.